Pencil as metaphor

“thinking is drawing” — Alan Fletcher

“the pencil is a kite flown by the mind” — Ross Renwick

Despite exponential technological change and the push into a screen-based, digital space, the pencil has remained ever constant in the designer’s ‘toolbox’ and is a fitting visual metaphor for design education; places of creativity and idea generation.

Isometric style

This information graphic by Suzanne Wu for Good Magazine (2008) uses an isometric illustration style. The opposing 30 and 60 degree angles create an interesting visual language. This type of visual representation would be suitable for Assessment 3.

museum tickets.jpg

Design Periods

1990 – The Digital Revolution

1985 – 2010 Global Dialogue / Social conscience

1975 – 1985 Post-modernism

1960 – 1970 The Conceptual Image

1950 – 1960 Corporate Identity and Visual Systems

1940 – 1955 International Style

1935 – 1950 Modernism

1920 – 1935 Bauhaus

A grouping of design periods. Initially linear, but we can see that from post-modernism onwards change becomes exponential with a blurring of earlier, neatly defined, sequential categories.